The Roman Catholic Parish of

Woodbridge with Framlingham

Parish Newsletter


Schedule of Services,  including Mass Intentions.

            Wood  =  Service in Saint Thomas's Church, Woodbridge.

            Fram  =  Service in Saint Clare's Church, Framlingham.


Sat 22nd 6.00 p.m. Wood Roger Bowen, + A. Cass.
SUN 23rd 9.00 a.m. Fram For the people of the Parish. -
SUN 23rd 11.00 a.m. Wood Harold Watters, + C. Watters.
Mon 24th 9.30 a.m Wood No intention given.  
Tue 25th 11.00 a.m. Wood James Patrick O'Brien, + Requiem Mass.
Wed 26th                  No Mass today.
Thu 27th 12.00 p.m. Fram Christian Edward Baker, + Foundation.
Fri 28th 9.30 a.m. Wood For Marie and Victor. J. Taylor.
Sat 1st 6.00 p.m. Wood Idwal Humphrey, + K. Holmes.
SUN 2nd 9.00 a.m. Fram For the people of the Parish. -
SUN 2nd 11.00 a.m. Wood Richard Aldridge, + R. Aldridge.
Mon 3rd 9.30 a.m. Wood No intention given.  
Tue 4th 9.30 a.m. Wood No intention given.  


Ash Wednesday - 5th March, 2025.

Wed 5th 9.30 a.m. Wood Josée Robinson, + K. Holmes.
Wed 5th 12.00 p.m. Fram No intention given.  
Thu 6th                  No Mass today.
Fri 7th 9.30 a.m. Wood No intention given.  
Sat 8th 6.0 p.m. Wood Caroline Huddy, + K. Holmes.
SUN 9th 9.00 a.m. Fram Maureen Bennetts, + A. Cave.
SUN 9th 11.00 a.m. Wood For the people of the Parish. -
Mon 10th 9.30 a.m. Wood No intention given.  
Tue 11th 9.30 a.m. Wood No intention given.  
Wed 12th                No Mass today.
Thu 13th 12.00 p.m. Fram No intention given.  
Fri 14th 9.30 a.m. Wood No intention given.  
Sat 15th 6.00 p.m. Wood For the people of the Parish. -
SUN 16th 9.00 a.m. Fram No intention given.  
SUN 16th 11.00 a.m. Wood Jean Waldren, + Gibbons family.




Confession times:  Saturdays at 5.30 p.m. and on request after weekday Masses.


Please pray for the sick and those in need; for all the residents in senior-living facilities within the parish and those who care for them; for the happy repose of the souls of the Faithful Departed; for those who have died recently and for those whose anniversaries fall at this time;  for peace in the world; and for vocations to the priesthood, to the diaconate, and to the religious orders of the Church.

Our Father.  Hail Mary.  Glory be.



Calendar of events in the Diocese of East Anglia for the Jubilee Year 2025.

LINK:   Calendar of events - East Anglia




The Order of Malta, Grand Priory of England, has prepared a useful explanation of the Jubilee and how to make the most of the spiritual graces that are offered to the Faithful during this holy year.   

LINK: Order of Malta - Jubilee 2025



Giving hope to those that need it the most is at the core of what ACN does and so throughout this Holy Year, ACN will be engaging with the themes of Hope, through the prayers we say, the actions we take, and the work that we do. We hope you join us in this journey, as Pilgrims of Hope and together spread the word and teachings of the Lord and give hope to those around the world that need us.

LINK: ACN UK - Jubilee 2025




Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Mr. James O’Brien who died on Sunday, 19th January, age 88.  Requiem Mass at Woodbridge on Tuesday, 25th February, at 11.00 a.m. followed by burial in Woodbridge Public Cemetery.


Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Mrs. Maureen Bennetts who died on Wednesday, 19th February.


Anniversaries. Anniversaries of deaths recorded in the parish's Register of Death (from 1997 to present) can be found on the calendar page of this website:  HERE



Deacon  Mike  Vipond.

After thirty-three years of faithful service to our parish and to the local community Deacon Mike has decided that the time has come to retire from active ministry in the parish.

We send our thanks to Mike for his outstanding service to the Church and to the local community.  There will be an opportunity for parishioners to express their gratitude to Mike in a special collection for a gift to mark his retirement.



Ash Wednesday – 5th March.

The blessing and distribution of ashes will take place during the celebration of Holy Mass.

09.30 a.m. Mass at Woodbridge and 12.00 p.m. Mass at Framlingham.


Thursday, 6th March:  12.00 p.m. Mass will not be celebrated at Framlingham today.



World Day of Prayer.   Friday, 7th March.

Please join us at The United Free Church, Framlingham, at 11.00 a.m. for The World Day of Prayer Service which has been prepared by the women of the Cook Islands. Refreshments available.  All welcome, writes  Vivienne Taylor.

Service at Saint John’s Anglican Church, Woodbridge, at 2.30 p.m.  All welcome. Refreshments served afterwards.



CAFOD's Lent Fast Day is Friday 14th March.    Full details are on CAFOD's website. 

LINK: Lent Fast Day 2025


CAFOD Appeal – Lent Fast Day.  Please donate to our Family Fast Day parish collections and be a pilgrim of hope with CAFOD this Jubilee Year. You will be supporting communities suffering the impacts of war, poverty and climate change to find solutions and hope.  Please use one of the following: the CAFOD envelopes, the contactless device with your bank card, online at or call us on 0303 303 3030. You can also text CAFODLENT to 70085 to donate £10, writes Myles Smith.


LENT LUNCH in aid of CAFOD, 12.30 to 2 p.m. on Friday, 21st March at The Castle Community Rooms, Framlingham.  There will be a short presentation about CAFOD's project in drought-hit Northern Kenya and a simple lunch of soup, bread, cheese and tea or coffee.  If you wish to attend please e-mail: by 14th March.  Donations will go to CAFOD's Lent Appeal. Please see the poster in the church porch.    Myles Smith & Claire Robinson.


Join CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk in the Jubilee Year. You are invited to join CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk and journey together with Catholics in England, Wales, and Scotland as Pilgrims of Hope in this Jubilee Year - walking 200km over 40 days during Lent. Journey to one of the churches or shrines designated as places of pilgrimage in our diocese as part of your Big Lent Walk.  Every £1 you raise will support communities like Lokho’s in Kenya, experiencing the worst impact of the climate crisis, to rebuild their lives in hope.  Sign up here:   Jane Crone Community Participation Coordinator  – CAFOD in East Anglia and Brentwood  07779 804252  Please send donations to CAFOD Head Office, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7JB.


The Stational Mass for the Ipswich Deanery parishes will be offered by Bishop Collins on the Solemnity of the Annunciation, 25th March, at Saint Mary’s Church, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich.  Confessions from 6.00 p.m. and Mass at 7.00 p.m.



Please consider making a Standing Order in favour of the parish instead of a weekly cash contribution to the parish’s Offertory collections.  Details of the parish’s current account can be found on the Standing Order mandate forms available at Saint Thomas's and Saint Clare's Churches.



Have you considered whether you might leave something to the parish to support our work and witness after your death ?  The Diocese recommends the form of words given here: “I give to the Parish of Woodbridge with Framlingham, part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia (Registered Charity number 278742), the sum of £ …… and I declare that the receipt of the Parish Treasurer or appropriate officer shall be a complete discharge to my executors”.



Children should always be accompanied by their parent/guardian when they visit the toilets at the church.














News articles from Bishop Collins and from across the Diocese of East Anglia.  LINK: Latest News


VACANCIES in the Diocese of East Anglia.  LINK: Jobs Vacant



Now on sale at Saint Thomas's and Saint Clare's Churches.   Price £ 3.50


How are you preparing for Lent?

Come to “Don’t forget the Holy Spirit”, a day of renewal at Saint Laurence’s Church, Milton Road, Cambridge.  1st March, 2025 10.00 – 16.00 with guest speakers Father Matt Anscombe & Caroline Sadd.  The day includes Mass at 10.30, praise & worship, inspiring talks, real-life accounts of transformation, reconciliation, exposition, & prayer ministry.  Please bring a packed lunch. Tea and Coffee will be available.  For more info e-mail: or telephone Pam Smith: 07869652115



If you or a family member or friend is in the hospital and would like support from the chaplaincy team, please refer by telephoning 01473 704100 or e-mailing 

For urgent chaplaincy visits, please call the hospital's switchboard on 01473 712233 and ask for the Chaplains' Office.  When making a referral, please provide the patient's name, ward (if known), and your contact details in case further information is needed.


The Diocese of East Anglia wishes to remind parishioners and the wider community that the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill 2024-25, which proposes the legalisation of assisted suicide for terminally ill adults under specific circumstances, has issued a call for evidence.


Bishop Sherrington's statement on the second reading of the Assisted Suicide Bill can be read here:







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