Schedule of Services, including Mass Intentions. Wood = Service in Saint Thomas's Church, Woodbridge Fram = Service in Saint Clare's Church, Framlingham. |
March | ||||
Thu 27th | 12.00 p.m. | Fram | Alan Ellesley, + | P. Sears. |
Fri 28th | 9.30 a.m. | Wood | Gerard Brennan, + | K. Watters. |
Sat 29th | 6.00 p.m. | Wood | Private intention. | H. Jones. |
SUN 30th | 9.00 a.m. | Fram | For the people of the Parish. | - |
SUN 30th | 11.00 a.m. | Wood | Charles Baker, + | L. Flaherty. |
Mon 31st | 9.30 a.m. | Wood | ||
April | ||||
Tue 1st | 9.30 a.m. | Wood | ||
Wed 2nd No Mass today. | ||||
Thu 3rd | 12.00 p.m. | Fram | ||
Fri 4th | 9.30 a.m. | Wood | ||
Sat 5th | 6.00 p.m. | Wood | ||
SUN 6th | 9.00 a.m. | Fram | Margaret Ellesley, + | P. Sears. |
SUN 6th | 11.00 a.m. | Wood | For the people of the Parish. | - |
Mon 7th | 9.30 a.m. | Wood | ||
Tue 8th | 9.30 a.m. | Wood |
Confession times: Saturdays at 5.30 p.m. and on request after weekday Masses.
Please pray for the sick and those in need; for all the residents in senior-living facilities within the parish and those who care for them; for the happy repose of the souls of the Faithful Departed; for those who have died recently and for those whose anniversaries fall at this time; for peace in the world; and for vocations to the priesthood, to the diaconate, and to the religious orders of the Church.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.
Anniversaries. Anniversaries of deaths recorded in the parish's Register of Death (from 1997 to present) can be found on the calendar page of this website: HERE
Giving hope to those that need it the most is at the core of what ACN does and so throughout this Holy Year, ACN will be engaging with the themes of Hope, through the prayers we say, the actions we take, and the work that we do. We hope you join us in this journey, as Pilgrims of Hope and together spread the word and teachings of the Lord and give hope to those around the world that need us.
LINK: ACN UK - Jubilee 2025
This year's LENTEN ALMS donations are being collected for Aid to the Church in Need.
On behalf of CAFOD we would like to thank parishioners for their continued and generous support of CAFOD’s Lent Fast Day appeal. A total of £1,296.54 was raised:- St. Thomas's gave £633.64, St. Clare's gave £320.90 and £342.00 from the CAFOD Lent Lunch held in Framlingham. Claire Robinson, Cecilia & Myles Smith.
The Stational Mass for the Ipswich Deanery parishes will be offered by Bishop Collins on the Solemnity of the Annunciation, 25th March, at Saint Mary’s Church, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. Confessions from 6.00 p.m. and Mass at 7.00 p.m. followed by supper.
PALM SUNDAY - 13th April. Please note that the Mass at Framlingham on Palm Sunday, 13th April, will start at the earlier time of 08.45 a.m.
PILGRIM CROSS. The Essex Leg of the Pilgrim Cross will make an overnight stop in Woodbridge on their pilgrimage to Walsingham. On Monday in Holy Week, 14th April, they will visit Saint Thomas’s Church for Morning Prayer at 08.00 a.m.
THE CHRISM MASS. Bishop Peter Collins invites all parishioners to the Chrism Mass, to be held in Saint John the Baptist's Cathedral, Norwich. Tuesday in Holy Week. Tuesday, 15th April, at 11.30 a.m.
GOOD FRIDAY ECUMENICAL WORSHIP GROUP. Churches Together in Woodbridge Area write, We are pleased to announce that we will be remembering Good Friday with a Walk of Witness around Woodbridge, followed by a service in Elmhurst Park, concluding with refreshments served in the Methodist Church. We would very much like to hear from musicians, especially singers, for an ecumenical worship group for the service. Please publicise in your local church the need for volunteers to join the Good Friday worship group There will be a practice on Saturday, 12th April, at 10.00 a.m. in Saint John's Anglican Church, Woodbridge. To register your interest contact Lyn Spall:
EASTER FLOWERS at Woodbridge. There will be special collections taken after Masses, weekend of Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March, for donations to help cover the cost of the flowers to decorate Saint Thomas’s Church at Easter.
LILIES FOR EASTER at Framlingham. If you would like to contribute towards the cost of the lilies to decorate Saint Clare’s Church this Easter, and remember a loved one, please put the name of your loved one(s) on an envelope together with your contribution and leave in the basket in The Community Room.
OFFERTORY ENVELOPES. New boxed sets of Offertory envelopes will not automatically be given out at the beginning of April (for the new tax year). The Offertory envelopes we use are no longer dated, so there is no need for new sets of envelopes to be issued until your existing supply of envelopes runs out. Please continue using the Offertory envelopes you have, until they have all been used. New sets of envelopes will then be issued on request.
Please remember to TURN OFF your mobile telephone before you enter the church.
Children should always be accompanied by their parent/guardian when they visit the toilets at the church.
Calendar of events in the Diocese of East Anglia for the Jubilee Year 2025.
LINK: Calendar of events - East Anglia
The Order of Malta, Grand Priory of England, has prepared a useful explanation of the Jubilee and how to make the most of the spiritual graces that are offered to the Faithful during this holy year.
LINK: Order of Malta - Jubilee 2025
News articles from Bishop Collins and from across the Diocese of East Anglia. LINK: Latest News
VACANCIES in the Diocese of East Anglia. LINK: Jobs Vacant
Now on sale at Saint Thomas's and Saint Clare's Churches. Price £ 3.50
IPSWICH HOSPITAL. If you or a family member or friend is in the hospital and would like support from the chaplaincy team, please refer by telephoning 01473 704100 or e-mailing
For urgent chaplaincy visits, please call the hospital's switchboard on 01473 712233 and ask for the Chaplains' Office. When making a referral, please provide the patient's name, ward (if known), and your contact details in case further information is needed.