The Roman Catholic Parish of

Woodbridge with Framlingham

Parish Office and Parish Clergy Contact Details



Woodbridge with Framlingham Parish

Please send all post to:

St. Thomas's Catholic Church,  13-15 St. John's Street,

Woodbridge,  Suffolk,  IP12 1EB.


Please note that e-mails sent to the above address are not checked every day.

The parish no longer employs a Parish Secretary.



Parish  Priest

Father Edmund Eggleston, M.A. (Oxon.)

Presbytery telephone: Woodbridge 01394 388828


Father Edmund takes Wednesday as his day-off.



Deacon (retired)

Deacon Mike Vipond, Cert.Ed., B.Ed., A.C.P.

The Scrum, 8 Danforth Drive, Framlingham, Suffolk, IP13 9HH.

Telephone: Framlingham 01728 724646


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