The Roman Catholic Parish of

Woodbridge with Framlingham

Who's Who


Parish Safeguarding Representative Michael Moohan.
Parish Representative to the Bishop's Council of Laity Gillian Davidson.
Childrens' Liturgy Susanna Gibbons.

Claire Robinson, Iris Carr, & Annie Rogers.

First Holy Communion Catechists

Susanna Gibbons

& Linda Flaherty.

Claire Robinson.

Readers' rotas Fr. Edmund. Fr. Edmund.
Counters' rotas Jean Wallace. Joan Mealing.


Mary Lambert. Vacant.
Organist / church music Brian Bartlett.

Kate Russell-Hoare

 & Ann Vipond.

Church flowers Anne Barratt. Gillian Clark.
Church cleaning rota Gill Wright.

Maeve Wigley.

Fire Officer / Fire Prevention

Michael Moohan.

David Taylor.

Vivienne Taylor.

Parish Fundraising Anne Barratt. Vacant.
St. Vincent de Paul -

Wendy Hardinge, 

S.V.P. chair.

St. Anne's Nursery School, Kalimpong

Angie Punaks.

Fiona Ruia.

Parish CAFOD representatives Myles Smith. Claire Robinson.
S.P.U.C. representatives Jean Wallace. Suzanne Wilkinson-Booker.
A.P.F. / Missio representatives

Jean Wallace.

Sue Wallace.




Churches Together


Ron Woolgar.

Deacon Mike Vipond, Ann Vipond, & Wendy Hardinge.



The Parish Finance Committee

Parish Finance Committee,

ex-officio members:-

Father E. Eggleston.

Deacon M. Vipond.

Parish Finance Committee members

appointed by Father Eggleston:-

Michael Moohan (Parish Treasurer).

Mary Lambert (Gift Aid Officer).

Ann Vipond.

Stephen Leach.

Simon Ashenden.




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